About Us

Chocolate Rebellion is a project of the Alliance for Rural Communities, a non-profit organisation based in Trinidad and Tobago. We support communities in their development of collective production facilities where they can process raw materials from their geographic area. The products thus created are branded, marketed and distributed in collaboration with ARC - leading to much higher margins within the community than they would have realized by merely exporting the raw materials.

Our Story
The Alliance of Rural Communities of Trinidad & Tobago(ARC), is a non-profit organisation founded in 2014 and made up of residents of rural and semi-rural communities and their urban allies. ARC is made up of a core advisory team of individuals and affiliated rural community companies (that were formed with ARC’s support) as well as our supportive customer base. Using a holistic strategy ARC supports rural communities throughout the Caribbean to play an expanded role in their national affairs and to move towards solid financial inclusion in regional economics.
We have developed a now tried and tested approach to ensure wealth distribution and environmentally sustainable income generation in financially excluded rural Caribbean communities. For the first five years ARC’s main strategic focus was on the cacao sector to further human development and restoration of the natural environment through the higher returns available through chocolate making. This work included teaching rural cacao communities to make artisanal chocolate, incubating community-owned chocolate companies and moving towards full utilisation of the companion crops and resources on cacao estates. ARC mainly earns income through the marketing and distribution of the community products, produce and tours. It is responsible for training and business development, product distribution,accounting/marketing/data collection,research, product development, sourcing new markets, creation of systems, reports and more.
Download the full text of the ARCTT Case Study, which was conducted as part of the Pisces Project by CANARI.
Meet The Team

Jeffrey Wong Sang