Have you been craving the joy and promise of a rich, velvety and
equitable chocolate experience?
Welcome to the Cross Atlantic Chocolate Collective!!
Your purchase of this collection sampler allows the purchase of additional machines, as well as making investments in ongoing education in chocolate making, marketing, and technical farming expertise that will benefit not only members of the Collective, but also their extended farming communities. If you wish to do more to contribute to the Cross Atlantic Chocolate Collective, please consider purchasing a gift card, making a direct donation, or by purchasing chocolate making equipment to support our efforts.
Reserva la colección a partir del 1 de octubre de 2021
¿Ha estado anhelando la alegría y la promesa de una experiencia de chocolate rica, aterciopelada y equitativa? ¿Ha estado estresado por el trabajo infantil en la industria del cacao y desea reemplazar los productos corporativos hechos con granos africanos por una amplia variedad de chocolate elaborado en África? Bueno, ¡has llegado a tu destino! ¡Lo llevamos más allá de modelos obsoletos y explotadores a un tesoro global que finalmente ha alcanzado la mayoría de edad! ¡Bienvenido al Colectivo de Chocolate Cross Atlantic !
Members of the Cross Atlantic Chocolate Collective
We are immensely proud to announce our first unified product: The Cross Atlantic Chocolate Collective Sampler. This luxurious collection of 12 mini bars is made by the same hands that planted the seeds and harvested the beans.
With our exclusive pre-sale offer, you can help us build capacity by getting chocolate-making equipment into the hands of even more farmers. We're so excited to share this collection with you! Our beans are roasted and our grinders are churning, with new ones firing up in #Dominica, #Uganda, #Cameroon, and #Ghana to join the tried and tested in #Nigeria, #Jamaica, #Malawi, #Zambia, #TrinidadandTobago, #StLucia and #Grenada! And our melting pot #USA bar is also in the mix!
Please join us in this revolutionary venture. Purchase/participate by clicking here. Buy a sampler for yourself, or divide it up and gift to others. Even better, talk to us about a wholesale purchase and put it on your shop shelves.
Join the #CrossAtlanticChocolateCollective where the dream of turning cacao farmers into chocolate makers
is coming true!
Download our Cross Atlantic Collective Fact File here>>>>
Our StoryMap
Países miembros
África continental
El Caribe y América del Norte
Diario de los miembros
Portal exclusivo para miembros para recetas, experiencia técnica, tutoriales en video y más.
Donate to the Cross Atlantic Chocolate Collective
Your donation will be an investment in the ongoing education in chocolate making, marketing, and technical farming expertise that will benefit not only members of the Collective, but also their extended farming communities. We thank you wholeheartedly for your kind and generous support.